If you got to this page then you probably want to know if I can be of help to you. I can provide advice and support to people at different stages of thinking about or planning to Age Proof their home.
You may:
- Have just started to think about ageing and your home (or may have avoided the subject up to now). Get in touch if you would like help thinking about and planning for getting older. This does not have to be only about housing, it could be about living well as you get older.
- Know your current home is not really age proof, but are not sure where to start. Get in touch for help thinking about your current home and future options for making it age friendly.
- Have decided to renovate your home but are not sure what to look for in professionals. Get in touch for help in how to choose a suitable builder and architect, and ideas about financing.
- Be in the middle of renovation and want some help on age friendly design and equipment. Get in touch for tips.
- Run a business that you think could partner with AgeProofHomes.
I look forward to hearing from you.